She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She looked down to Camelot... ~Tennyson
In many ways this has been a challenging year. It was the first year without Joel's mom and also marks the ependymoma diagnosis of my godson. But it was also a joyful year filled with family and friends and trips to Tucson, Seattle and Vancouver. I feel so fortunate to have a great group of people around me. Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to let everyone (at least the several people who read this on a regular basis) that my godson is having another MRI tomorrow. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family are always appreciated and will be especially nice tomorrow.
I visited with he, his sister and their mom today at their house. It was a great visit-he's walking along the furniture and we had a great time playing with play doh. Check out his website and leave a note!
The weather has been amazingly mild this December! We've been above freezing for the past week or so. Last weekend Joel and I headed up to his goddaughter's place in Shawano. She's two and a half and so much fun! We spent all day Saturday watching her. We took her down to the river where she had a good time throwing ice chunks into the river. Then we took her to lunch. She is talking in full sentences now and is really developing a great personality. Here are a few pics....