Thursday, September 21, 2006


Yikes-it's been a long time since I've posted anything! Sorry about that. I've been playing catch up since I moved back to Chicago. Lots of things to do before school starts next week. I'm all registered and ready to go!

As for our vacation. I decided to post pictures from my favorite day on our trip. We camped one night in Olympic National Park and hiked along the beach. It was the most beautiful beach I've ever been too-and I've been to lots of coasts!

There are lots of sea stacks...with trees growing on top of them. The sea stack on the left (the one that looks like a square in the distance is called "the cake".

We arrived as the tide was going out so there were lots of tide pools with sea anenomes and starfish. We walked up about 1.5 miles and then back. It was my favorite part of the trip. Enjoy the pictures!!

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