Friday, August 04, 2006

Book it!

I'm just sitting here in my favorite cafe-trying to kill time before Joel arrives. He missed his flight out here and now won't arrive at my apt until after midnight...

I've been reading a bunch this week. I finished two really great books and thought I would plug them...Human Croquet by Kate Atkinson. It's part family drama part mystery and floats back and forth between dream and reality and the past and present. It's really well written and great. The second book I just finished is Stop that Girl! by Elizabeth McKenzie also very well written and it's a much faster read-only 200 pages and it flew by. That one made me laugh outloud. Good stuff. I recommend both. Next on my list is The Time Travelers Wife loaned to me by a fellow intern at my job.

Speaking of my job-done with Week 6! I have been so busy-it's really insane. In addition to my primary engagement (that's what they call projects) I have an intern project assigned to me. Our big presentation to the entire office is this coming Tuesday and it's on Pandemic Flu preparedness...I don't feel prepared but I'm hoping that I will feel better by Tuesday!

I'm hoping Joel and I will be visiting new neighborhoods around Seattle and I'll be posting more pics later this weekend. In the meantime, some flowers for you...happy weekend!!!


christopher jette said...

Good luck with preparing for the pandemic flu, that is a real bummer I hear.

Nathan said...

Hey there, I'm not so sure it was so smart to take an internship where you have to prepare to deal with deadly viriuses, but sounds like you are having fun!